Thursday 20 February 2014


Mentoring experience worldwide shows that mentoring programs have great impact on empowering young scientists especially women in their career development and particularly for retaining them in agricultural related sciences and research. Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is working to ensure the future of current academic staff through a new formal mentoring program, supported by iAGRI. SUA’s interest in mentoring is motivated by numerous young professional staff members who need support in their professional growth as individuals in the early stage of their career development. SUA sees mentoring as allowing senior professionals to share their experience, knowledge, and networks with young scientists.

Focused on young academic staff who have been at SUA for six years or less, the mentoring program launched in September 2013 with 23 mentor-mentee pairs. The goal of the program is to support the career development of young SUA staff in the areas of teaching, research and leadership.  Both mentors and mentees are enthusiastic and excited about their involvement in the mentoring program.